Novice Girls

Novice Girls2021-10-08T02:47:51-04:00

Novice Girls (Under 10… born 2010 or younger): Tryouts for the upcoming 2019/2020 Rep basketball season will be announced in late-August/early-September.

Please contact rep coach for more info: Meagen Vesely – meganvesely


Registration is now open for the 2019/2020 East York Eagles Rep Basketball Season. In order to be eligible to attend tryouts, you must first complete the online registration form.

A one-time $10 registration fee per player will be collected, at the door, during the first tryout session. Please ensure exact cash only.

Winners of Atom Boys Raffle Prizes Announced!

The draw for the prize winners of the fundraising raffle organized by one of the parents of the Atom Boys team was held on Wednesday, March 25th and the entire team was excited to see the fruits of their labours realized. Prior to the start of their last practice of [...]

By |March 26th, 2015|Atom Boys, Rep Teams|Comments Off on Winners of Atom Boys Raffle Prizes Announced!

Three Rep Teams at Provincial Championships March 27-29!

Good luck to three of East York Basketball's Rep Teams as they finish off their 2014/15 seasons at the annual OBA Provincial Championships in three different locations from March 27th until March 29th, 2015! First up the Novice Boys U10 team will take their success at the Blessed Sacrament Tournament [...]

By |March 24th, 2015|Atom Boys, Atom Girls, Novice, Rep Teams|Comments Off on Three Rep Teams at Provincial Championships March 27-29!

Major Bantam Boys U14 March Madness Fundraiser!

The Major Bantam Boys U14 team is hosting a fundraiser that is most definitely aimed at basketball fans. It's March Madness time and this is your chance to get in on the action and help the team with expenses. Half the funds collected goes to the winner, the other half [...]

By |March 13th, 2015|Major Bantam Boys, Rep Teams|Comments Off on Major Bantam Boys U14 March Madness Fundraiser!

East York U12 Major Atom Boys Win Bronze!

Congrats to the East York Major Atom Boys for winning bronze at the Blessed Sacrament Tournament in Brantford. The team went 2-1 to finish in second place in their pool, including wins over the Riverside Falcons and Ottawa Shooting Stars. Although they went down in defeat to one of the [...]

By |March 10th, 2015|Major Atom Boys, Rep Teams|Comments Off on East York U12 Major Atom Boys Win Bronze!

East York Novice U10 Boys Win Gold!!!

Congrats to the East York Novice Boys for winning gold at the Blessed Sacrament Tournament in Hamilton.   The boys opened the tournament with a 34-25 victory over the South Simcoe Supersonics before losing a close 32-30 match to the ABC Magic. They bounced back with a 32-29 victory over [...]

By |March 10th, 2015|Novice, Rep Teams|Comments Off on East York Novice U10 Boys Win Gold!!!

East York Atom U11 Boys Win Bronze!

The Blessed Sacrament Tournament in Hamilton proved to be a veritable medal factory for the East York Basketball Club with all three teams competing over the March 6-8 weekend bringing home hardware. (The Novice Boys took home the Gold Medal, while the Major Atom Boys won a Bronze Medal in [...]

By |March 9th, 2015|Atom Boys, Rep Teams|Comments Off on East York Atom U11 Boys Win Bronze!
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