Novice Boys (Under 10… born 2010 or younger)
The team has been selected for the 2019/2020 Rep Basketball Season.
Please contact rep coach for more info: Phil Swinnerton – aussiephil
East York Bantam Boys Win Silver
Congratulations to the East York Bantam Boys team on winning silver at the OBA's this season! The team had a great season thanks to all the help from the coaches and parents!
East York Juvenile Boys Win Gold
Congratulations to the East York Juvenile Boys for winning gold this past weekend at the Etobicoke Thunder Jam Fest!
East York Novice Boys Win Gold at Provincial Championship!
Congratulations to the East York Novice Rep U10 Team for winning the Division 8 Gold Medal at the OBA Provincial Finals in Burlington, held March 28-30th, 2014. What started off as a raw group of very enthusiastic individuals developed into a team in every sense of the word, and the boys earned this victory [...]
Raffle Prizes
Thank you to all our Sponsors! East York Dental Centre Elements Hair Design (416) 467-0021 & Saba’s Sugaring and Aesthetics (647) 680-3617 located at 1035 Coxwell Ave. Peter’s Paint & Paper My Gifted Child 2883 St. Clair Ave., E., (416) 285-6692 [...]
East York Major Atom Girls Rack up Another Silver
Congratulations to the East York Major Atom Girls Basketball team for racking up their second consecutive silver this week at the Durham City Slam Tournament. A great start to their first season!
East York Major Atoms Win Gold!
The East York Major Atom Boys took home the gold medal this weekend at the Caledon Cougars Classic. They did so in exciting fashion winning the championship game in a thrilling double overtime game. Congrats and keep up the great work!