Novice Girls

Novice Girls2021-10-08T02:47:51-04:00

Novice Girls (Under 10… born 2010 or younger): Tryouts for the upcoming 2019/2020 Rep basketball season will be announced in late-August/early-September.

Please contact rep coach for more info: Meagen Vesely – meganvesely


Registration is now open for the 2019/2020 East York Eagles Rep Basketball Season. In order to be eligible to attend tryouts, you must first complete the online registration form.

A one-time $10 registration fee per player will be collected, at the door, during the first tryout session. Please ensure exact cash only.

East York Major Atom Girls Win Silver

Congratulations to the East York Major Atom Girls for taking home the silver medal this past weekend at hoopdome. In their first season as a team, the girls have been improving with every game. Best of luck moving forward and keep up the great work!

By |January 27th, 2014|Major Atom Girls, Rep Teams|Comments Off on East York Major Atom Girls Win Silver

East York Atom Boys Win Gold!

Congratulations to the East York Atom Boys for winning gold at the Guelph Tournament!! The team amassed a record of 5-0 and won games by 6, 39, 55, 41 and 27! The team looks to continue it's good play leading up to the Ontario Cup.

By |January 21st, 2014|Atom Boys, Rep Teams|Comments Off on East York Atom Boys Win Gold!
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